Sterkla’s mantra is to provide a lot more than just work-life balance! They believe in introducing a positive balance in all areas of your life by helping you connect with incredible coaches worldwide. Sterkla believes in nurturing a community that believes in well-being investment. Thus, here’s where the platform unlocks your best self!


Pioneering the Future
of Coaching, One X
Factor at a Time

The co-founders and brothers, Gavin and Rex Lund, envisioned enlightening people with the help of life coaching and initiating global awakening. Thus, Sterkla was born, which onboarded the best coaches from around the world who are motivating people to break through their limitations.

Innovating the Coaching Sphere: Gavin Lund Won the Entrepreneur X Factor Award 2021 Star
Innovating the Coaching Sphere: Gavin Lund Won the Entrepreneur X Factor Award 2021 Star
Innovating the Coaching Sphere: Gavin Lund Won the Entrepreneur X Factor Award 2021 Star
Innovating the Coaching Sphere: Gavin Lund Won the Entrepreneur X Factor Award 2021 Star
Innovating the Coaching Sphere: Gavin Lund Won the Entrepreneur X Factor Award 2021 Star

With 30K App
Downloads, Sterkla
Became an Integral
Part of People's
Coaching Journey


Building a Better Future with
Sterkla By Cultivating Brilliance

Sterkla emphasized three essential factors


The first and foremost challenge was developing an app equivalent to perfection. Therefore, we focused on building an authentic app to bridge the gap between users and expert coaches.


The next objective was to expand the customer base while delivering quality. This is why a roadmap was fabricated to help the users meet a brand-new coaching method.


We wove together a web of flawless ideas emphasizing boosting experiences and learning.

Let's Talk
Let's Talk

Remove all “if-this-then-that” just
hear from our experts and get
your doubts resolved.


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We're excited to hear from you and let's start something special together. Call us for any inquiry

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