27 Dec 2022
Updated on February 6th, 2023

10 Questions to Ask When Hiring an iOS App Developer Company!


Surbhi Bhatia

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iOS app development company

iOS app design is an essential part of iOS software development . Apple releases new devices every year. It is an essential part of iOS software development. It’s worth learning and will continue to be a valuable skill in the future. Let’s begin this journey with new opportunities in new markets.

Apple announced recently that their entire Mac line would be converted to ARM-based devices. This means all their devices will have the same architecture as Macs and iPad, iPhones and Apple Watch. This means that apps for iOS and iPod OS as well as Mac will be easier to create.

Apple also unifies the UI across all devices. They want to create a common experience across all platforms. Swift UI was also recently announced. This new tool makes it easier for developers to create and design apps.

With all of these things in mind, I’ve created this ultimate guide to iOS mobile applications development.

Select the essential requirements for iOS app development before you start. You should also choose the right programming language and other equipment.

This step-by-step guide will teach you everything. The guide will also provide information about the most important questions to ask when hiring an iOS app development company. This guide will assist you in developing your iOS app for any Apple device. Let’s get started.

What’s iOS App Development?

iOS (Apple’s mobile operating software) runs on hardware such as iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. An iOS application is written in Objective-C or Swift languages and then uploaded to the App store for users to download.

Why choose iOS for Mobile App Development?

Apple’s iOS is still the most widely used mobile app platform and has a wide range of customer base worldwide.Thus, listed below are a few top-notch reasons to consider iPhone mobile app development.

1. A powerful platform

iOS is a powerful mobile platform for building user-friendly apps. It offers an exceptional customer experience and well-coded applications. There are no compatibility issues, and the devices work in perfect sync.

2. App speed and reliability are outstanding

iOS applications are pretty  simple to use and work efficiently, improving the customer experience. Whether your consumer base is small or large, a feature-loaded iPhone app will offer the simplicity and efficiency of using the app. 

3. The US has a larger user base

Statista reported that iOS accounted in North America for more than 50% of the mobile OS market. Android, however, accounted only for 46%. Another report by the same company in March 2021 states that nearly 300 million Americans own a smartphone, with over 113 million using an iPhone. 

4. Loyal customers

Apple’s reputation and goodwill in the market have earned the iOS platform its own loyalists who choose the iOS app over others. According to Statista, over 40% of adults in the US bought an iPhone because of their loyalty towards Apple.

5. Apple users have a greater buying power

The number of users of iPhone and iPad customers impact in-app purchases or paid subscriptions. These are important factors for any business model that relies on them.

6. Apple users use the most recent version

Most Apple users keep their iPhone devices updated, which makes it smooth to program and develop apps.

Reasons to Outsource iOS App Development

You might be wondering why you should outsource iOS app development. Here are the reasons.

1. Cost-effectiveness

Outsourcing mobile app development can help reduce overall costs. It not only reduces overhead costs but also allows for significant savings on infrastructure and resources.

2. Efficiency increases

A company that develops iOS apps has everything. This includes a dedicated team of developers and the latest equipment needed to create high-end applications.

3. Responsible for the entire workflow

Outsourcing app development companies offer end-to-end services, where they manage the entire workflow. You can be sure that outsourcing will take care of the entire workflow.

4. Constant support

The beginning of a development process of a project is just the start. You can still get support from the outsourcing company even after your application is published in the App Store.

Step-by-Step Process for iOS App Development

The most important things for iOS app developers are security and quality. Similar to other platforms, the first step in developing an iOS app is security.

However, building an efficient platform for iOS mobile app development services can be difficult. The process can be complicated because developers must follow many Apple rules.

The majority of iOS developers strive to provide a safe user experience. Therefore, they must use all the best practices in order to create a great app.

This step-by-step guide will explain all the processes necessary to make it simple. If you follow this guide carefully, you’ll be able to do it yourself.

You will succeed and be successful with your iOS app.

1. The Planning or Beginning Stage

Four important steps are required to get from the beginning of iOS software development. These must all be done correctly before moving on to the mobile application development stage.

You will need to do many things, including analyzing the basic requirements and creating a basic design. Don’t worry. I will explain everything to you at this stage.

First, you need to analyze your requirements for an iOS app. Let’s take a look at the following.

– Analyze the Essential Requirements

There are millions of iOS apps on the App Store that are competing for your attention. This makes it very difficult to ensure your app is downloaded multiple times on this highly competitive platform. Market research is necessary to find out what apps are available.

You can also see which apps are more popular with apple users. Before you can write a single-line code, you must first decide what the requirements are. Here are the essential requirements for iOS app development.

It is necessary to

  • Apple computer running the most recent version of macOS.
  • Xcode with IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for macOS. 
  • An active Apple Developer account is the most important thing. You can get one for $99.

– Create the Right Team

A skilled team of 5-6 people is usually required to develop an iOS app. These people must possess specific skills to develop apps. You can categorize their roles, responsibilities, as well as their qualities. Different app development platforms require varied skills.

You will need a project manager and 1 or 2, designers, developers, QA specialists, and 2 developers to develop an iOS app.

Also Read: How to Choose a Mobile App Development Company?

Make sure you have these skills before you hire iOS developers.

  • Learning Swift and Objective-C is a must
  • They should be familiar with the basics of Xcode IDE. It’s the primary development environment for macOS and iOS.
  • These are the main ideas regarding iOS versions before.

To develop an iOS app, the team must include these experts.

  • App Strategist
  • Visual designer for the design process
  • App Navigation planner
  • A Content Planner

– Prepare technical documents

A technical design document (TDD) will be required by the development team. It is essential for marketing coordination. It is often called a Software Design document. Make sure to include the following features in your document. This is the information that you will need for technical documents:

  • What will the user interface look like in the App?
  • How would the screen layout look?
  • The locations for the buttons
  • The color palette
  • What will the input/output data structure look like?
  • Types of data units
  • What are the limitations?
  • The OOP specifications
  • Function methods, attributes, and dependencies
  • The architecture of the system or tech stack

– Make a basic design

This is the pre-stage you need to go to the main development phase. This is where you can use all information from the planning stage to create a basic design for the App. It could be an example of a draft.

2. Stage of Development

This initial stage of iOS development is essential to ensure that all requirements are met. After the design is complete, developers move on to the development phase. This is the most crucial phase of the entire process.

App developers are responsible for bringing the App to life at this stage. They must work with three important developments. First, the back-end, then the API, and finally, the front-end development of the application.

These 3 (three crucial developments) will be discussed later. Let’s first discuss the appropriate user methodology and platforms.

3. Use the relevant methodology

These are the methods you should follow. These cover all relevant topics such as answering the question of “what, why, and when?”

You may ask yourself why you can’t just write the App right now. You may be asking yourself why I have to go through the entire process.

App development can be complex and difficult. Effective processes are essential. The right methodologies will help us to achieve functionality, capability, and reduce time.

If you use the right methods, you will achieve the following achievements.

  • Repeatability can be described as a process that is repeatable. It works in the same way as a recipe. You will make better predictions if you repeat the same process.
  • Standardization can help ensure high-quality Apps.
  • Continuous improvements and updates will help you make an app that is great.
  • Arrange training sessions for new developers to improve the maintenance of the App.
  • It is essential to keep track of every step. To trace the source of every software artifact, keep track of every step.

4. iOS Development Platforms

Xcode is the only integrated development environment (IDE). This platform was created by Apple to enable developers to create high-performing iOS native applications. Developers have the option to write code in Objective-C or Swift using Xcode. The platform also has many apps in its libraries.

The design team creates the user interface and user experience. This includes the look and navigation. Next, the design is passed to mobile app developers. This is where designers and developers start to sketch the wireframes and mockups as well as develop the user interface.

Your wireframe is your blueprint for your application. This is where you can visualize the App’s appearance. The wireframe will also help you to envision how the App will work.

5. Back-End Development

Many believe iOS developers fear server-side coding. You should be able to write server-side codes as an iOS developer. Don’t be afraid to try it. Open-mindedness is key to learning new frameworks such as Node.js and.NetCore.

It is important to learn new things, such as different frameworks. You can choose to learn Ruby on Rails, Dotnet, Web API, or any other framework.

6. iOS App Development Technologies

The tools and languages for iOS app development tech-stacks include languages and tools to create apps for iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Each tool serves a specific purpose in the creation of iOS apps.

These tasks range from wireframing to designing the App and testing it. Xcode is extremely popular because it is the only integrated environment for development (IDE) from Apple.

7. Solutions and Tools

Developers need to be familiar with additional tools and solutions, in addition to the platforms and frameworks mentioned above. One platform might not be enough to solve all your problems.

Here are some additional tools that can be used to ensure smooth development. These tools, along with Xcode allow you to resolve any issue from the beginning of iOS app development.

  • Mockingbird
  • ASIHTTPRequest
  • Share-Kit
  • Urban Airship
  • Universal Analytics
  • Twilio
  • HockeyApp
  • Testflight
  • Wikitude
  • RedLazer API
  • Payment Systems (PayPal, DataTrans).
  • APIs for Social Networking

8. Expanding into the Cloud

Apple’s devices can handle heavy loads. However, you need to be cautious about sending heavy lifting to the cloud. You can access the cloud storage benefits by connecting your App to it.

9. Test

Before you publish your iOS app, you will need to test it. iOS is an Apple platform that runs on Apple devices only. You will need to test iOS on multiple versions of iOS.

However, the first step is to test the App in Xcode. Xcode provides automated UI testing for standard unit tests. Create a test that navigates through the UI. Allow users to find other issues while interacting with the app.

Real user interaction is required for UI testing. You will also need to allow humans to beta-test your software.

10. Deployment Phase

Now it’s time to release your app after putting in countless hours and weeks of work to create it. Once you are done with iOS app development, testing, and submission, please submit your App to the App Store

Xcode allows you to submit the App and sign it. However, you will need to submit the App several times.

It will take a while for the review process to complete. Thus, the app will be approved after all processes are completed.

Be aware that all approvals will be required. Once your App is live, you can build the App Store page using App Store Connect. Push it to the App store.

Now that you are familiar with the stages of iOS app development, it is time to find the best iOS app development company that will make your dreams come true. Are you now looking for possible options?

How do you choose your tech partner? Keep reading to find out!

Questions for your Mobile App Development Company

Here you go!

1. What Does it Cost to Build a Mobile App?

Everyone has the same question: How much will it cost to create their mobile app? Unfortunately, it is not as easy as setting a price. When you’re looking for a mobile app developer, make sure that they include the following:

What is the Complication Level of Your Mobile App?

What are the Simple and Expensive Features It Includes?

2. The Time taken to build a mobile app?

It takes on average, three to nine months for an app to be built. However, just as the cost can be affected by many factors, so too is the timeline for a project. Documentation, support, maintenance, and other factors all play a part.

3. How long will the app development project be managed?

It takes several stages to complete a mobile app design project.

1. Writing the brief for the project.
2. Designing and developing phase
3. Stage and deployment
4. Continuous improvement plans
5. Support and maintenance

You should also be concerned that the software company you are considering hiring talks.

Also Read: Mindset for Software Development: Project, Product, or the Best of Both Worlds?

4. How often will you need to update your app?

A successful app with many users should be updated on average at least four times per month. There are many differences in the way that applications need to be updated.

Make sure you have a rough plan for updating and maintaining your app when your developers present you with a complete development plan. You should also analyze the plan to prioritize unique features and take into account user feedback.

Let’s take a look at the updating options for mobile apps.

1. Updates on Bug-Fixing
2. Implementing new features
3. Continuous Improvement Plans

5. How should your app be tested?

Mobile app development companies have many ways to test an app’s quality. Various tests can also be performed during the development of an app.
Testing apps is an integral part of every stage, from wireframes to initial phases, to prototypes to high-fidelity designs and high-fidelity designs. These are some of the tasks that app developers should perform:

Continuously looking for new ways to reach your goals
Test your ideas during the initial research phase

1. Sketching an Initial Sketch
2. Validating with Users
3. Prototyping

Based on feedback received during design sprints, adapting changes
Design sprints are designed around your business and focus on user behavior, strategy, innovation, design and more. The gradual steps can alter the project’s length, but they primarily aim to:

1. Problems with scope and definition
2. Explore and challenge concepts
3. Test and find solutions

6. How will your app launch on App Stores?

You need to be aware of a few things, regardless of whether you are submitting your application to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. These things will be considered by your app development company. When you launch your app, there are some things that you should be aware of:

Name of the app
Description of the App
Category App falls under
Keywords to improve the ranking
Screenshots of the app’s features

These aspects can be used to create a marketing strategy. However, the details will vary depending on the scope of your project and the app that is being submitted to the respective app stores. ASO – App Store Optimization is another marketing strategy that will help you rank your app higher in the app store.

7. How can you measure the success of your app?

Your app was developed and published on the App Store. How do you know if your app is proving to have been a profitable investment? Top software development companies will want to know what success means for your business.

You must explain what you are trying to achieve and why the app is being developed. To achieve technical goals, you must also use metrics and KPIs. Here are some examples of metrics:

Engagement metrics: How users use your app. What pages have they viewed and how long do they spend on your app?
Outcome Metrics: Monitoring user activities.
Behavioral Metrics: Track the times and locations at which people use your app.
The retention metrics refer to the number of people who return to your app, and what activities they engage in.

Other Questions to Ask

Once you have answered all technical questions, it is time to look at the company’s portfolio and experience.

Here’s what you should ask:

  1. Here are some examples of previous work by a company.
  2. The number of companies that the tech company has worked with previously.
  3. Ask for a list.
  4. You can check to see if they have worked on a similar project.
  5. How can a tech company manage the user onboarding process?
  6. How can a company deal with security issues?

Let’s wrap up

It is important to remember that mobile app development goes beyond creating an app with a user interface, coded modules, and coding. Apps must have personality and function to succeed in today’s market.

You have two options for hiring an iOS app development company USA that can create a professional app. One-time developers can handle specific projects, or full-service developers can create an app from scratch.

What are you waiting for?

Get in touch with us to schedule your initial consultation and create the app of your dreams.

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