14 Jan 2021
Updated on January 3rd, 2023

IoT And Online Dating; A Match Made in Heaven

Dating has always been unpredictable!

Much before our world faced the grey clouds of a virus outbreak, unfolding a new relationship through apps, came up with a pretty standard formula. But since 2020, the expected stages of online dating were messed up, cropping up a new concept; Virtual Dating.

No wonder, we humans have an inherent need for novelty and excitement, and this was fulfilled by the new norms of dating amid pandemic. Pandemic dating made us experience another level of trust-building, so a more meaningful relationship can come into existence.

A quick word about pandemic dating

Yeah, it sounds absurd, but there is a term ‘Pandemic Dating’, referring to a lot like long-distance dating. It makes people may or may not be geographically close but constrained on their ability to meet. This virtual dating concept has pushed the boundaries letting people meet for virtual dates, and build meaningful relationships, which has really triggered the interest of many out there.

Revenue in the Online Dating segment is projected to reach US$3,241m in 2021!- a report suggested by Statista

Voila! That sounds promising and impressive!

On the other hand, considering the inclination of the global audience towards the new norms of dating has pulled the interest of investors and startups to come forward and grab the investment opportunities.

If you too are willing to create your own dating app, then this blog post will guide you to pick the latest technologies and integrate them within your online dating app.

So let’s begin the romantic chemistry tale of technology and dating…

Can IoT integration dictate how we find love in the near future?

Well, it’s a million-dollar question, that has been asked. As we all have a preconceived notion, that IoT is mainstream technology to connect devices. And to imagine its role in virtual dating is really a question.

To help you understand how IoT enabled mobile apps are going to create STIR in the online dating market, we have brought you this post today.

“COVID-19 has brought an opportunity for the people to know each other at a much deeper level than they were before, and app technology is offering that platform.”

– Abhinav Singh, CEO- Techugo

1. Smart homes will be a storyteller

OOPS, does it mean it will invade privacy?

No, of course not! 

As we all know Smart Homes will sooner be a reality in the coming years, and these homes would churn out data that can tell a LOT about the people living in. It can be made possible with the networked home featuring devices such as smart body analyzers, smart appliances, smart mirrors, smart entertainment, smart security, air quality analyzer, among many others. From your clothing style, diet you consume, or even the hygiene you maintain, dating metrics can learn more about you, that will share your personality insights.

2. Connect with someone sharing the same interest

IoT has a specific mechanism that works around in professional and personal space. When you use IoT enabled dating apps, then certainly you pave a way to connect with the partner, who holds the same interest. Apart from the data generated from the networks, it gives deep information about the behavioral traits. For instance, wearable tech helps in generating significant data like location, app use, media preferences, user photos, spending patterns, exercise patterns, sleep patterns, mood, and much more. With the help of data, an algorithm gets developed, which extracts not just the information about the realm of traits and attitude but also dimensions for compatibility. So you don’t have to worry about getting connected with someone who isn’t compatible enough.

3. Stay connected without a pause

Trust is the most important thing, to start a new relationship, and certain activities in and around your daily regime, must not deter your lovey-dovey routine. Dating apps can certainly make the most out of the IoT technology, which would help both the user to stay connected and send messages to each other regardless of their tiring schedules.

With the IoT, dating apps can actually convert the information into a more accessible format and let voice assistants convert voice messages into text messages.

Final call

There has been a surge in online dating that has come out of necessity, and will not down-size its space anytime in the future. However, technology needs to be utilized wisely to maintain the privacy and security of users.

Online dating has indeed transformed the way we communicate and find love, and the inclusion of IoT in dating apps has made the road easy to find love.

Secure a chance for your users to find love amid the pandemic with an online dating app, we’d love to know more about your idea.

Schedule a call with us and let us help you bring your vision into a successful online dating app solution.

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