25 Oct 2017
Updated on July 20th, 2019



Techugo Pvt. Ltd.

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Mobile apps do come exist in abundance and march on their own drum falling perfectly onto the requirement baskets of the users. Surprisingly, every new mobile app falls into a new category, which needs to be fulfilled with the required features and functionalities, to let the users intact with your mobile app.

The growing field of mobile apps has led to a serious competition bug to bite the mobile apps and sitting eyes closed would never work for your mobile app, rather you need to get up and lace your shoes to win the competition race. A mobile app might sound the most logical marketing tool, but the in-depth mechanism of a mobile app needs to be controlled and managed regularly to win the competition and come out with the flying colors.

Your app battle is won, when you are able to retain users to your mobile app, giving them enough reasons to choose your mobile app, over the competitors. Do you really think it is an easier task? Actually not, this task, it may seem the easiest one, but controls the crux of the mobile app, and helps it to become successful.

I have collected some of the essentials which you need to consider very carefully, in order to retain your customers so your app can keep on climbing the success ladder without any issue…let’s unleash the facts from the essentials’ basket further…

Keep An Eye On App Performance

The app performance is the one aspect, which every user looks forward to while using the mobile app. Just visualize a situation, wherein your mobile app has a valuable concept, but once users download and start to use your mobile app, they find the app struggling with the technical hiccups, such as images or videos not loading, app crashing, app loading time is too much, wrong inputs and many other glitches, then believe me no matter if you have splurged a huge deal of moolah on your app development and app marketing, it will never win your users’ hearts, and they will skip every other reason to remain hooked to your mobile app.

What You Should Do: 

  • Ensure to keep a tab on the app’s loading time, it should not exceed more than 4-5 seconds, although the app loading time depends largely on the app size, so keep it minimalistic.
  • Add minimal size of graphics in your app, to fast loading the images.
  • Get your app tested well, to avoid the app crash and wrong inputs as well.


Don’t Indulge Many Features

It is a very common problem every top mobile app development company in India inculcates in the mobile apps, to sound different and special, they add every possible feature and functionality, which can justify their app concept. This step is taken in the quest of beating the competing mobile apps in the market, by giving something EXTRA to the users, this strategy might work in different business verticals, but in mobile apps, this eventually hampers the success chart. Your users are naïve in using your app concept and utilizing the services through the app platform, stuffing them with loads of features, would only confuse them, and they would vomit, instead of digesting the app.

What You Should Do 

  • You need to educate your users, with your app functionalities. They are well-versed with the technology but not with your app concept.
  • Introduce only the MUCH required features in the initial stage and gradually in the subsequent app updates let the new features, to flaunt on your mobile app platform.
  • This would help you to understand what your users want and also, in return you get a better hold on your users, serving them with their accurate needs.


Do Not Complicate The Onboarding Process

A mobile app gets accessed by different people across the world, hailing from different walks of lives with a sole purpose behind, to get convenience while accessing the services, it echoes clearly that a mobile app has to deliver only what users want and in a preferred mode of their comfort level. The app onboarding process is the first step, which lets the users access your mobile app, if you make it rigid and lengthy then every user with a desire to access your services, would abandon in between, finding the onboarding process a tedious and time-consuming affair.

What You Should Do

  • Keep the personal details requirement very limited and be flexible with your approach, let the users access the mobile app with a Social Media login as well.
  • Not many users are comfortable in sharing their contact details, so don’t make it a mandate aspect for the onboarding process.


Limit The Notification

I concur with you, app notifications, actually work in your marketing regime, and it helps the users to access the services as per their choice, but giving an excessive shot of notifications to your users, bring harm than any good. Users have their personal space, which they don’t want to be evaded with the overdose of notifications. You can imagine if a user is sitting in a meeting or just enjoying some ME time, at the same moment the notification blinks or beeps, it does really reach to a new level of frustration and may lead to app uninstall.

What You Should Do 

  • At first, identify your targeted users, and give them appropriate notifications.
  • Give the users the freedom to switch off/on the notifications as per their comfort level, this would help the users to utilize the app, as per their convenient mode and your app shall be used as a cherished experience.


Let Them Access Your App Value First

It is a very common phenomenon that every mobile app needs to make some money and expecting your mobile app also to do the same is not a sin, but your right. App developers across the globe, merely develop an app, and start selling the app, but do you really wonder a mobile app would be sold just like that? Do you really feel users would pay bucks from their pockets just to access your mobile app? Of course not, a mobile app can ever be sold unless the users identify and relate to its values, which help them in some ways, so expecting your app to cross the millions of turnover without informing them about the values is nothing but a waste of your time and efforts.

What You Should Do 

  • The very first aspect you need to get indulged into is SELLING the app values to users, through the balanced app marketing and promotion strategies.
  • Once your users are able to relate to your mobile app and find it beneficial, believe me for the app upgrade they would never mind to pay.


These are some of the essentials which purely state that a mobile app is a Soft-Sell product, wherein you need to develop a strategy and marketing techniques, based on the users’ requirements and needs to achieve the desired result. The app retention techniques let you build a strong shell around your mobile app, to make it successful and productive revenue booster for your business.

With this hope that this blog would help you in retaining your customers, I sign-off for today….

As always, keep yourself tech-updated and stay hooked to my blog space…


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