2 May 2017
Updated on December 30th, 2022

Factors That Influence Mobile App Development Cost


Vaibhav Sharma

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Mobile App Development Cost

No am indeed not referring to hotness of that coffee, which might leave your tongue burnt for next 2-3 days, but am clearly hinting at the true essence of envy oozing out from your mental and physical condition after seeing your competitors boasting largely about the exciting statistics, their business gained after adopting mobile app development cost and the frustration goes double when you notice people sitting beside you are also permanently glued to their Smartphone without blinking their lashes, and you realize that you don’t have a mobile app yet for your business and now it is the high time for getting a mobile app for your business vertical without any further delay. Phew!!! Can’t explain the pain…

The potential of mobile apps can never be measured on one line, since it is associated with one of the top-most trending technology, which is utilized with no chance of the ramifications involved with it ( of course, if you choose the right app development partner, then only), you want to grab that big piece of cake to fit into your requirement basket effortlessly, but then there are a number of concerns which haunt you and you feel it is always better to search and analyze before falling deep into the regret of mobile app…did I say regret? Yup…this is the word which translates perfectly your inner fear before you proceed with the app development for your business and makes you sway between to do or not to do metrics. It’s but obvious, for a customer, to give their business into the hands of technology and be scared for the best to happen, so just to calm you down, here is the link WHAT TO ASK YOUR APP DEVELOPER, just go through it and get yourself prepared.

On the flip side, the cost is the factor which usually turns into a bugbear for most of the businessmen, bringing the set of complex emotions of joy, exhaustion, admiration, and worries, all mixed together while developing mobile apps.  Let’s dig out more about the cost factor in developing mobile apps:

What Decides The App Development Cost

The first and the foremost factor which decides the cost factor of app development depends largely on the type of app you are willing to create. Take a look:

A Basic App: An app with the basic functionalities are the easiest to build and is less expensive with around $3000- $6000 and suits best the needs of small businesses and their requirements.  

An Enterprise App: An Enterprise App or Business app, is a little more complex and integrates the database management systems and content management as well. This type of app would cost you around $15,000- $30,000.

An eCommerce App- This app is the most trending and liked app by the users, it lets you buy and sell goods and services online over the Internet. This type of app has various features to bring comfort to the users’ buying habits, like location-based services, payment gateway, push notifications and many other features to make it convincing and easy enough so the user can make full use of the functionalities. This app (not the website) may cost around $4,000 – $8,000.

A Game App- This type of app involves incorporating 3D effects, built-in phone mechanisms, and other exciting features to make the app more engaging. This app would cost you around $12,000- $15,000, depending on the set of features you choose for your app.  

PS: Remember the above-mentioned app development cost is just a mere rough estimation which can go beyond or remain in between the cost brackets mentioned, depending on the number of features you want to incorporate in your preferred app type.

Factors To Consider In The App Development Cost

An app for your business changes its fundamental identity overnight. Your business from a casual business would rank top with charting success, but to carve a niche for your business domain you need to build a powerful app and the powerful app platform does not need to go beyond what your pocket offers. You can read further to understand the factors affecting your mobile app development cost.

  • Hiring a Right App Developer

It’s a tough and the most sensitive part of the topic, to get a perfect mobile app developer for your business, but not impossible at all. You can take a look at this link selecting app development company.  and help yourself to how to get a perfect resource to execute your vision. A right mobile app developer will help you cross the hurdles of creating a unique app design, logo, splash screens and finally submitting your app to the stores with a glitch-free process. So pick a mobile app developer after investing your deep analysis and research to get the best out of the all.

  • App Budget

Have you ever heard, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”, the same theory applies with app development process, after picking the app development company, the next step is to decide on your budget, which you are planning to invest in the app development process. Pick a top mobile app development company to lift your business revenue and escalate your business requirement, let them do their analysis and come up with the app development cost estimation and you can be in talks with them for the further addition or deletion of certain functionalities, fitting your budget line.

  • App Functionalities

Since I have talked about the app functionalities in the previous line, so it is well significant for me to explain it as well. Before hitting any app development company’s door, you need to grab a thorough information about the functionalities you want to integrate into your app, to understand the functionalities, you can take a look at the competing mobile apps, and choose which functionality would suit the initial phase of your mobile app, also if your app development company is efficient enough, they can guide you more about it. You need to have a crystal clear idea about your end user’s requirement. Here is the tip for you: Although basic apps, cost quite less, but does not incur much on your revenue, whereas the complex apps are a little expensive but help you gain a considerable investment return.

  • Don’t Let The Cost Deceive You

Many businesses get the apps, which never outshine in the market and die their infancy death, due to uncountable numbers of negligence picked by the app development company while building the mobile app. The main culprit here is not just the app development company, but somehow the business owner is also, since he picked the app development company, on the basis of one factor that was low-cost quoted by the app development company, and you fell for the trap. Remember, no app development company can give you the exact app development cost, since the app development process involves tremendous usage of technology making it highly unpredictable to give the accurate budget line, so if you are getting a low-cost app development budget from any company then you are playing with fire and letting your business get engulfed by the naïve approach of your chosen app development company.

As discussed above, the above-mentioned factors affect the app development cost, but it may vary still, depending on the functionalities integrated into it, so you need to decide what you want in your app. As far as your requirement for the Mobile App Development Company can be narrowed down to a top mobile app development company – Techugo, where we develop masterpieces for our client’s projects through our developed mobile apps. Also another aspect which distinct us from our competitors, is the app development cost, where we are comfortable working in both Fixed Price as well as Hourly contracts and our app development journey does not end at the development, but from here we take our clients, whom we call our app development partners, on another voyage of after app launch support and suggesting them throughout for the required changes as the market demands, we always cater our app development partners with an aim to bring maximum ROI for their business and making their association with Techugo a profitable deal for them.

You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.

You can reach us at:

Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

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