24 Jul 2017

Top 5 Reasons Why Healthcare Mobile Apps Fail


Ankit Singh

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mobile apps

The tech intervention in the medical field is worth for applauding, and the medical services originating from the technology are expected to extend help to the patients for their required medical benefits. The growing popularity of mobile apps is expected to cover almost 50% of Smartphone users, to utilize the medical mobile apps by the end of 2017. A health care or medical mobile app comes to our rescue, whenever there is a medical emergency and we take assistance of healthcare practitioners through a medical mobile app, to help us survive the health battle. Many of us are quite affirmative about the usage of healthcare mobile apps, whereas a bigger chunk of users is not so willing to use a healthcare mobile app as well.

It is quite a challenging situation, wherein users don’t use an interface to address a much-needed aspect of their lives- Health, through a more convenient mode of mobile apps. This majorly happens due to the negligence of purpose serving through a mobile app and it faces a destructive future and that leads to a major failure. So let’s dig out the most disturbing factors for healthcare mobile apps future…

  • Chaotic Usability

We all look for some sort of convenience reeling in our lives, with the usage of a mobile app, but if a mobile app fails to address the convenience, then unfortunately it brings trouble for the people than any good. In a healthcare mobile app, users look for a clean and easy interface, and can’t afford to bear a complex usability experience. As an app developer, you need to integrate the best practices to make the user experience as smooth as it can be, and it must speak simplicity, and must be a platform for the users to translate their issues into solution with the app interface.

  • Security On Stake

Patients always take the mobile app as an interaction mode between them and their health practitioners, wherein they can put their confidential data, and discuss openly about their health condition. But a mobile app becomes an easy prey to the fraudsters and they impinge on patient’s data and misuse it to make fake claims at insurance companies and other undesirable places, this in return changes the healthcare app as a saboteur of a patient’s privacy. A healthcare mobile app ought to comply with the security and encryption of the user’s data, so users can feel safe and secure while interacting with their doctors. This factor leads to major rejection from the users.

  • Expert’s Word

Expecting doctors to articulate their ideas to app developers is beyond imagination, but it is the much-needed aspect of developing a mobile app for the healthcare sector, wherein the avoidance of this fact may lead to wrong clinical advice. As a healthcare mobile app developer, you must get yourself involved with more number of clinicians during the app development phase; this would help to create correct and absolutely accurate clinical information to the patients. Unfortunately, most of the healthcare mobile apps, fail the rejection, due to the misleading health information about the mentioned diseases and the treatment procedures and users simply declare such mobile apps dangerous for their health care system. To avoid such situation, increase the involvement of particular health care specialists in your mobile app from the beginning to the end of the app development process and save your healthcare mobile app escalating the wrong set of health information.

  • Lacks The Right Direction

Many app developers live in a misconception, that if a mobile app has the best design and functionalities then it would be instantly picked by the users, but actually this theory would be proven right for few seconds journey after the app install, but the moment your user would realize that this mobile app serves NO purpose, they would prefer to uninstall the mobile app in a jiffy. It is totally justified that you give additional importance to your app design, user experience, and functionalities, but you cannot ditch the purpose app is developed for…As an app developer, you need to understand that what is the purpose of this mobile app? whether it is for a particular disease? Is it just an awareness platform? Is it offering some solution? Or is it serving any other purpose? Whatever is the key-take purpose of your app development; you must pay attention to it and must invest your energy to stay on track to give the right set of information.

  • App Bugs

Although we all know that how important is the app testing and you can never shut your eyes to it, but when it deals with a healthcare mobile app, the business gets little more serious and you can’t think of giving it a miss. The healthcare app platform works as an interaction bridge between a patient and doctor, and this interaction must go hassle-free, to avoid any complication, an app bug, usually crashes or halts the app data transition, which is quite disturbing and it cannot be taken as a casual deal to proceed with, you need to pay extra attention to app testing and must not let your users get irked due to an app bug, failing to this your users would not find you trustworthy and would prefer to abandon your app.

These are some of the loopholes which lead to a failure in healthcare mobile app. A healthcare mobile app has the leading charm to woo the users and can be an instant hit, if it does not contain any of the above-mentioned stumbling-blocks. You can expect the success knocking on your door, if you choose its development with a right mobile app development company, which is ready to listen and understand your app concept and translate it on the app canvas.

If you are looking for a top mobile app development company to get a perfect healthcare mobile app for yourself, then you must get in touch with Techugo- a mobile app development company, because we are different from our competitors, as we walk through the business requirements of our clients with a dedicated technical troop, to understand their app requirements more clearly. We pride ourselves on delivering some of the most successful mobile apps in the world to some of the top brands and startups; also we have successfully catered 43+ different industry verticals and willing to get associated with you to be a part of your app success journey. We are just a buzz away to help you attain success through our developed mobile app…

You can reach us at:

Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

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