8 Sep 2020
Updated on December 27th, 2022

Big-data in mHealth apps: is the future of healthcare


Ankit Singh

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Big Data in mHealth Apps

The global mHealth solutions market is projected to reach USD 213.6 billion by 2025 from USD 50.8 billion in 2020, at a high CAGR of 33.3% during the forecast period of 2020 to 2025.

Big data-enabled mHealth apps, hold the power to revolutionize healthcare. Indeed, this type of apps lead to lesser costs and better life quality.

Well, this was just a synopsis of the benefits pool, if we have to count and scribble the mHealth app benefits, this post would not suffice the space. However, in this space, Big Data has made a beautiful invasion that cannot be ignored while using healthcare through app technology.

Why big data should be considered an incredible solution for healthcare?

Healthcare is all about different ailments and their treatments, which can further be possible to address when there is a sufficient set of information to be studied and worked upon. Here Big Data comes handy and provides a large amount of structured and unstructured information to identify patterns that can lead to groundbreaking discoveries. It goes without saying, but this sort of discovery can also be used in eliminating life-long costs for patients with chronic diseases.

On the other hand, when our world is struggling hard to fight with the pandemic, and here as well, using Big Data can help in preventing epidemic outbreaks. This also helps to shift the medical paradigm from treatment to prevention.

Indeed, there is much more to be explored with the Big Data, that can further help in finding a stable platform for economically viable solutions. This post has covered a few of the aspects that show how big data will bring positive changes to the medical field. 

The world of mHealth apps

Over the period of time the world of mHealth apps has seen a great deal of explosion, leading to more number of different types of apps to come into existence. Below are some of the examples that clearly show how beautifully different segments of health is getting monitored by the Big Data that is driving the cycle of mHealth apps.

Let’s read ahead…

Virtual nurses

As we all know that NLP advancement has led to the development of virtual nurses, that work as a companion for the patients, and show reminders, and also provide answers to their queries. Here app technology adapts the negative and positive patterns with big data analysis. Also, big data is further useful in creating conversational nursing bots, helping patients to get the assistance of their much-needed queries.

Patient-doctor apps

Smartphones are being used everywhere, and the usage of it has brought seamless convenience to the users. This can help the doctors and patients to create a passage where doctors can monitor their patients with the help of technology. And this is a blessing to cherish amid COVID-19. With the help of Big Data, the existing records can be analyzed in clusters to monitor the drug efficiency and find new treatment plans.

Chronic diseases monitoring

Chronic diseases such as cancer, AIDS, and others, have health records, that help in getting sufficient information for machine learning models. This data can be used on the app technology, to create accurate algorithms for most cases. With these apps, patients can log their treatments and receive advice on how to manage their condition’s side-effects for a better living.

To manage the data in abundance, Big Data technology comes handy and gives the most efficient solution.

Fitness tracking devices

The value and worth of fitness tracking devices are not hidden from anyone. These devices help the wearers to keep track of their eating and fitness habits to prevent health issues. Further, with these devices, the monitoring becomes easier, as the sensors fitted into these gadgets measure heartbeats, blood oxygen levels, glucose levels, and other vital signs. But have you ever thought that how these devices work?

Well, the recommendation provided by these devices is based on the millions of data points they have access to. The integration of Big data analysis helps in identifying different patterns pertaining to the effective dietary and exercise combinations for every user profile. 

The pattern is analyzed to provide an accurate recommendation that further helps in offering the right solution to the users.

Final thoughts

We cannot ignore the facts and risks that are related to healthcare technology, wherein the app developers need to keep a strong check on the patient data privacy and the quality of the advice provided.

However, these obstacles can be overcome with the help of an efficient app developers team of Techugo, who would include their expertise to make the mHealth apps indispensable digital extensions of your business model.

If you’re ready to make a difference in your healthcare domain, then do not hesitate to reach us.

We’d love to hear your idea, and share our views to make it a REAL-WORLD product.

Give us a call today and secure a FREE 30 min app consultation.

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