9 May 2022

Things you need to know before building an application


Surbhi Bhatia

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Build a Mobile App

Indeed, mobile apps have proven their value to businesses. Therefore, if you’re still thinking of developing one, you’re missing a plethora of opportunities that could help your business skyrocket! 

Undoubtedly, with over 6.3 billion smartphone users, mobile applications have been soaring high since their arrival. In fact, take a moment and look around you; all the people you notice have their eyes glued to the screen. What do you think they are doing?

Spending most of their time using mobile apps! 

And you know what? It is precisely the reason entrepreneurs are inclined toward providing efficient solutions to their customers through mobile apps. 

did you know

Developing mobile apps is a structured process that needs to be strategized to successfully cater to the consumers’ needs. Before you dive right in, you must get familiar with the consequences of developing one for your business, and fortunately, it is precisely what we’ll be targeting in this article. 


Why Your Business Should Build a Mobile App? 

If you’re still facing dilemmas in developing a mobile app for your business, here are a few powerful reasons all organizations should consider:

  • Apps Have Robust Targeting Potential 

Consumers’ dynamic requirements have now started intriguing them to acquire services that offer them a unique and convenient experience. Thus, mobile applications leverage modern technologies that provide mobile app owners with efficient mechanisms to connect with their customers. 

For instance, geo-targeting is one of the top-notch mobile-specific technologies that enable mobile marketers to target their potential audience on a granular level by tracking their location. 

  • Boosts Customer Service 

Businesses have understood the need of the hour and are investing in mobile apps to enhance their customer services. 

How is it being done? 

The two primary methods via which mobile apps provide their customers with the services of their dreams are convenience and chatbots that take instant queries. 

  • Enhanced Customer Loyalty 

What do you expect a business to acquire that is offering its best facilities to the customers?


We can imagine those eyes twinkling! 

Indeed, when businesses invest their sweat, blood, and money in obtaining a competitive edge by providing their customers with the best of what they can, customer loyalty is the reward!

Therefore, you must leverage loyalty programs to retain the customers. For instance, Starbucks’ loyalty program presents rewards to its regular customers and also enables them to place orders before they enter the store. 

Need more convincing? Take a look at the stats below: iOS app store

Tips to Consider Before Mobile App Development 

Now, if you’ve finally decided to take your first step towards success, it is crucial to gauge its results beforehand. Here are a few tips, so take a sneak peek:

  • Should You Really Invest in an App? 


What you seem to take for granted has made headlines each year!

There’s no comparison of the potential that mobile apps hold in the modern era, especially after the pandemic. The traditional brick-and-mortar approach is now being replaced with mobile app services, since it is allowing businesses to achieve their desired goals.

For instance, you ask? 

Before you begin looking for the right team that’ll offer you the mobile app development services, give a quick thought to a few questions like:

  • Is it worth your investment? 
  • Is it likely to increase the revenue you reap?
  • How is it going to fulfil your long-term business goals? 


Now that you’ve made up your mind to invest in an app, the next big question is if your audience needs the services you’re willing to offer.

If that’s a yes, hop on the success bandwagon and build a hassle-free mobile app service! 

  • Choose Your Platform Wisely!

Hybrid and Native

What’s befuddling can be the dilemma of choosing the best platform for your mobile app. However, you can always choose between hybrid or native app development. 

Selecting the right platform is an extremely crucial step as the future of your app’s success entirely depends on the same. 

But, what are hybrid and native apps?  

Hybrid applications: These apps are downloaded on a device like any other app; however, what differentiates them is their native app-like elements that perform for specific platforms like Android and iOS.

Additionally, hybrid apps can be built for multiple platforms using the same codebase; therefore, it saves a lot of time and expenses. 

Native applications: These apps are built for a specific platform or device using device-specific software and hardware. Native apps are developed using different codebases for different platforms; however, the functionality is top-notch. 

  • Don’t Forget the Market Research 

To start with any business, project, or anything else; it is vital to acquire all the mandatory data for informed decision-making, and developing an app is no exception. 

Therefore, it is advised to conduct in-depth market research that’ll help you obtain insights into your potential customers, their strategies, weaknesses, and more. 

Thus, you can use the information to your advantage, and strategize your business plans accordingly! 

  • Are There Enough Opportunities for You? 

Are you wondering the same?

Indeed, acquiring a competitive edge is accompanied by a lot of advantages for a business owner. For instance, they help businesses leverage strategies that attract a solid consumer base. 

Besides this, apps are also a tremendous tool for the reduction of marketing expenses since they can be used to market new products, and whatnot!

Undoubtedly, mobile apps have been tremendously dominating the business ecosystem. Thus, give a thought to the fact that what value is being added to your organization once you develop the app. 

  • Get a Better Understanding of Your Users 

Nobody wants to fire a shot in the dark, do you agree? 

So how would you build an app without knowing your target audience is? Remember, customers can make or break your business; thus, you must ensure that your mobile app caters to their requirements and adds value to their life. 

Moreover, user feedback always helps; therefore, keep a check on your audience’s opinions to work on improvements, if any. 

  • Hire the Best Technology Partners 

Sure, the app idea will solely remain yours; however, it’s best to get second opinions for polishing the same. Additionally, you’ll also require a team of app developers who deliver an efficient product for your audience. 

The icing on the cake is the strategy adopted by an app development company to develop an aesthetic and user-friendly app.   

Are you looking forward to hiring a leading mobile app development company in India? Keep the following pointers in mind:

  • Check their coding skills and the technologies they leverage
  • Get in touch with their existing clientele for testimonials
  • Take a look at their prior portfolio

Ensure that your developers develop an app in such a manner that users do not have to acquire any assistance to use the same. Or else, they might end up uninstalling the same from their smartphones. 

  • Develop an MVP 

How about testing your app’s basic functionality before adding advanced features to the same to save yourself from burning a hole in your pocket? 

A basic form of an app built for testing before it is out in the market is called a ‘minimum viable product.’ 

MVPs are similar to beta testers that enable understanding the essence of an app in a precise manner. 

  • Performance 

 Once the app’s MVP is built, measuring performance is the next significant step. If accurate metrics are utilized for the same, any issues roadblocking the app’s performance can be eliminated, making it a smooth mechanism.

Notably, numerous parameters are to be considered to measure the performance, including user growth rate, UI/UX, organic conversion rate, and more. 

  • Security  

Once app issues are removed, app security has to be emphasized, especially if your app contains sensitive data. 

Do not neglect the fact that your audience’s data is a valuable asset; thus, taking it for granted can land you in real trouble. 

  • Determine the Monetizing Methods 

Now that you’re entirely ready with your plan, have you thought about how would you make money from the same? 

To bring it to your notice, there are multiple monetization models that you may adopt. The most crucial ones are as listed below: 

  • Free and Paid App Model

One of the most popular models is offering both- a free and paid app version of your mobile app. the free app version consists of basic features of an app that encourages the users to pay and upgrade for the advanced functionality. 

  • Subscription Model 

Some of the apps are released for free along with a subscription model. Basically, these apps are free to download and provide the basic content and features. However, to enjoy the full benefits of the app, an amount is to be paid for the same. 

  • Paid Model 

A few developers release their apps only in the paid form that charges a fee to download and use the same. 

Notably, if you choose to go this way, ensure that your app offers tremendous value to its users. 

Which, according to you, is the most beneficial monetization model?

Cost to develop an app

Numerous factors have a role to play behind fluctuating cost of app development. What are these factors? Take a look! 

  • Choice of the platform- Android, iOS, or other
  • Tech stack used
  • Complexity of the project
  • Number of features integrated
  • UI/UX design
  • Integration of technologies like AI, AR/VR, Blockchain, etc.
  • Developer’s cost


What Next? 

As important as it is to develop an app for your audience since it’s the mobility era, it is equally important to market the product to build a solid consumer base. 

Do you want to take your audience by the storm? 

Deploy marketing strategies that would help you stay ahead of your competitors. 

For instance, you ask? 

Some of the best marketing strategies include: 

marketing strategies

Final Verdict 

Now that we have covered the most crucial aspects of building a mobile app, here’s your inspiration to develop a cutting-edge and flawless mechanism. 

What do you think? 

Looking forward to meeting a brood of professionals for more insights on your app idea? We’re all ears! 

How about discussing it over a cup of coffee?

Get in touch with us today!

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