25 Jun 2021
Reimagine Gardening With AVA Byte Smart Garden App

Techugo Pvt. Ltd.

We can essentially experience the impact of smart technology in our day-to-day routines. Not only has it revolutionized how we conduct our daily activities, but it is also supporting us in reconstructing conventional tasks like gardening.
We all are well-versed with the positive impact of gardening on the environment and our mind, body, and soul. But gardening does not present itself as an easy task. Instead, it is incredibly tedious and time-consuming. Therefore, many of us are not able to pursue it dedicatedly.
But can we avoid witnessing the current climate change?
Is it possible to make this activity more fun?
How is smart technology reimagining gardening?
Our world needs technology that promotes a sustainable and environment-friendly lifestyle. The advancement in technology aims to effectively reduce the efforts that individuals go through to improve and maintain different parts of their garden. In today’s blog, we would be answering all the above-listed questions and more.
We would be learning about Techugo’s creation– AVA Byte Smart Garden App, and how it is helping the population to inculcate better gardening habits!
So without any further ado, let’s get started!
Smart Gardening For The Greater Good!
According to NOAA’s 2020 Annual Climate Report, the combined land and ocean temperature have increased at an average of 0.13 degrees Fahrenheit (0.08 degrees Celsius) per decade since 1880. Global warming is accelerating at an alarming rate. Therefore, the adoption of a sustainable and environment-friendly lifestyle is becoming more and more critical.
AVA Byte delivers the solution to all these problems. A technology-based smart indoor garden that simplifies gardening and helps the world to embrace a sustainable lifestyle fully. But, this intelligent technology was lacking a bridge that connects the process with the users. Yes, an application that would streamline operations, monitoring, and tracking for users of AVA Byte.
Since Techugo has always led the digital advancement of the world by developing and designing the industry’s finest app solutions, team AVA reached out to us for their personalized mobility solution. Let’s learn more about the detailed technicalities for a better understanding.
A Brief Introduction Of The World’s Smartest Garden
When smart technology is embedded in gardening, it results in AVA Byte. It is designed and crafted by expert horticulturalists to help users harvest fresh food at their fingertips. Here’s how Byte makes gardening simple, sustainable, and foolproof-
1. Embedded Sensors
The Byte is embedded with five sensors to ensure optimal conditions for the growth of the plants. These sensors constantly monitor plants’ environment.
2. Self-watering System
In conventional gardening, we water plants regularly. But with this tech user only has to water the reservoir once a month, and the Byte will take care of the rest. It boosts water conservation and relieves the user from the daily hustle of watering plants.
3. App And Smart Home Integration
AVA Smart Garden App is the bridge that connects Byte with the users. It plays a crucial role in keeping the gardeners associated with their plants. Users can sync to their Alexa or Google device to track plants’ progress at any time or place.
4. HD Camera
This feature allows the users to capture moments from their garden remotely. They will then receive monthly time-lapses of the garden’s growth.
5. Ready To Sprout!
The pods have everything a plant needs to grow. All one needs to do is a plugin and get growing. They are pre-seeded, soil-free, and full of nutrients.
6. Clean And Soilless
The pods are embedded with coconut coir. It is an organic and renewable resource that contains natural properties to promote nutrient and water uptake and ideal aeration.
7. High Germination Rate
The pods have a high germination rate and will be replaced if they fail to germinate.
How To Get Growing With AVA Byte Smart Garden App?
The app technology of this smart garden is aimed at enhancing the world’s gardening experience.
1. Initiation
Firstly, the user has to plugin the AVA Byte garden and press the LED button on top. This light changes colors to signal the following things-
- Orange– Disconnected
- White– On/Off Stage
- Blue– Sufficient water supply
2. Sensors
The attached sensors determine the following-
- Temperature
- Humidity level
- Water levels
- Amount of light
3. Artificial Intelligence
This smart garden is integrated with AI technology to adjust the watering and light based on what and where the user is growing.
4. Water Circulation
With the removable water tray, plants can experience perfect circulation of water. The closed-loop circulation saves up to 95% of water.
5. LED System
The LED system included 32 lights that automatically adjust as per the unique needs of the plants.
6. AVA Byte Garden App
One can set the duration of the LED lights with the help of the AVA Byte Garden app created by Techugo.
The Byte can be connected to Wi-Fi. The user will then receive live notifications through the AVA garden app. The application helps the user to be in complete control of their plants. This technology simplifies gardening and plays a massive role in promoting a sustainable lifestyle.
Wrapping It Up!
Our aim during the development of the AVA garden application was to build a platform where users can easily monitor and track their indoor plants. This technology developed to bridge the gap between us and the environment.
This innovation not only makes gardening more fun but is also a giant leap towards a better future. Therefore, the successful development of this platform was highly crucial. And, the Techugo Team is proud to achieve that goal. Associating with a unique brand that promotes sustainability was an inspiring experience. But this was just a first step!
We vouch for brands and startups that are focused on our planet’s holistic development.
If you want to leverage mobility for the betterment of the earth, then reach out to our brood. So that together we can cultivate innovation!
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