15 Feb 2023
How to Implement Stripe? Get a Complete Insight!

Shivani Singh

A payment gateway allows you to authorize your website’s credit card or direct debit processing. A secure payment gateway development is an essential part of any e-commerce website. In addition, it will likely influence the purchase decision of your customer.
Many e-commerce apps offer different services, features, and benefits. We’ll tell you about Stripe, our favorite payment gateway or payment processing software, and why it’s our choice.
Stripe is the newest player in payment integration services. You may have a little knowledge about the same. That’s why we are here with our full-fledged guide on Stripe, a payment processing software.
So, let’s get started!
What is Stripe?
Stripe is a payment gateway that allows merchants to accept credit cards, debit cards, and other payments. Stripe payments work best for businesses that sell a lot online. Most of its unique features are specifically designed to help online sellers.
What are the payments that Stripe accepts?
Stripe is a payment processing software that lets businesses accept Visa Mastercard, American Express, and Discover cards. In addition, mobile wallets can accept payments and enable businesses to buy now and pay later. Also, Stripe accepts payments in many currencies and offers additional services such as billing, invoicing, and sales tax automation.
How does Stripe Work?
Stripe’s workflow makes it super easy to keep credit card information secure.
Step 1: Accept credit details from the customer on a web form
Step 2: Stripe payment gateway then takes the elements and encrypts them. It pushes them to the Stripe server. Stripe does basic validation (such as an invalid expiry date, invalid credit card number, etc.), creates a token that represents the credit card information, and posts it to your server.
Step 3: Once the token has been posted to your server, you can proceed to Step 4 to charge your card
Step 4: Stripe will provide an API that allows you to charge the card the customer has entered on the site. To make the payment, all you need to do is call the Javascript API. You will need the keys available in your Stripe account to make a call.
Step 5: Get the Stripe credit card processing results and save them on your server. It can be convenient.
What is the correct procedure to set up Stripe Payment Gateway
You can simply build a Stripe Account with just your email address and name. For your account activation, ensure to confirm your email address.
The next step is to provide additional information, such as:
- Personal details. Stripe will ask for your legal name and email address.
- Business details. Stripe will also need your industry, website, and a description of your products. It also needs to know if you sell physical goods and how long it takes for customers to get them.
- Customer support details. Stripe payment gateway will ask for your business name, address, phone number, and customer support details so customers can easily recognize you.
- Banking details. Stripe allows users to connect their bank accounts directly. However, you can also manually enter routing and account numbers. Stripe works only with checking accounts.
Next, set up two-factor authentication.
After completing the onboarding process, you will be prompted to opt into Stripe Climate. This carbon sequestration initiative automatically allows you to contribute a percentage of your income.
You can customize your checkout flow and send customer invoices and payment links. However, you will not be able to receive your first payout until seven business days after receiving your first payment. Depending on the industry, you may need to wait up to 14 days before receiving your first payout.
Stripe might request a photocopy of a government-issued ID if Stripe cannot verify your business or personal identity using the information you have provided.
Why choose Stripe?
Stripe secure payment gateway is a preferred payment method for business owners all around the globe. This is mainly because Stripe removes the “pain” from payment processing. However, there are other reasons you should choose Stripe secure payment.
The platform works flawlessly, thanks to regular updates and continuous testing. Payments are accepted without any delays or errors.
Transparency in Payments
Stripe pricing is transparent because the company values ethical business practices. Stripe doesn’t charge customers or businesses any hidden fees.
Reliable reputation
Stripe, is it secure? Yes, it is! Through years of market success, it has proved its reliability.
Interface usability
Stripe’s interface is intuitive and very easy to use. This saves time and allows you to navigate and enter data quickly.
Stripe is an online payment platform that accepts all currencies and credit cards. It also works with many payment methods.
Stripe Pros & Cons
Pros of Stripe payment gateway
It’s easy to use
This credit card processor is an excellent choice for online businesses because it’s so easy to use. The well-designed API makes it easy to use. It can be customized for any e-commerce business by entrepreneurs with minimal payment gateway developer experience.
There are many integrations
Stripe’s documentation is reviewed promptly by Stripe’s staff. They consider different operating systems and offer various integration options so that you can choose which one works best for your business. In addition, a stripe is compatible with many pre-built ecommerce plug-ins, including Magento, PrestaShop, and WooCommerce.
Detailed Documentation
You will find detailed documentation for different programming languages, which is always up-to-date. In addition, there are detailed instructions for how to customize gateways and testing options. The Stripe documentation is written plainly so anyone can use it and its API features.
Custom Libraries
Stripe custom libraries support a large number of programming languages. You can use Javascript, Ruby, PHP, Java, Python, and Node.js as a payment gateway developer. In addition, you can concentrate on the product, as there are no additional programs to integrate Stripe payment gateway.
Payment Options
Stripe supports most payment options worldwide, including credit cards, digital wallets, and automatic payments. The system can process cards from major brands, such as Visa, Discover, Mastercard, and American Express. It accepts international payments via Apple and Google Pay. You can also make recurring payments through Stripe, such as subscriptions.
Testing Environment
Stripe boasts a bug-free environment for testing. Stripe offers a variety of credit card numbers to choose from, including some invalid ones. You can then see how the system works and the error codes. In addition, Stripe allows you to switch between testing and production modes. You can also access the testing mode from countries not supported by Stripe. This made our QA experts‘ lives much more accessible.
Excellent Support
Stripe’s customer service was very responsive to our needs. All of our questions and queries were answered quickly and efficiently. The Stripe company values include paying attention to customer needs. In addition, a stripe may offer discounts to startups. Stripe charges fees for every transaction and collects payments from each user using the system. As a result, startups can negotiate discounts and other special deals to launch their project.
Cons of Stripe
Geo Limitations
Stripe accepts payments from any country in the world. However, it is currently only available to businesses located in 44 countries. The Stripe team is constantly adding countries to this list. As a result, some features might only be available in some areas. However, you can still use Stripe Atlas to incorporate U.S. companies regardless of where you live.
Developer required
Stripe customization requires some API key juggling, as mentioned above. You will need to hire a payment gateway developer to customize the system or have a technical background. You can also use pre-built solutions from Stripe partners to get started with the system.
Stripe Payment Integration – Testing
Here are some pointers for you to know before stripe payment integration for testing. Consider reading them:
1. The test secret and test publishable keys can be used to test locally or in staging. In addition, you can use Stripe’s test credit card number to test different scenarios.
2. API errors should be handled gracefully, showing the correct messages and ensuring the user is not blocked.
3. Once production is ready, you will need to switch the production keys to production keys. Then you can test it with an actual credit card.
4. Stripe offers a dashboard that shows all transactions and their status. You can also track them for more detail.
How to Implement Stripe
Let’s now look at how to integrate the stripe payment gateway on iOS and Android. Follow the steps below to implement web development payment processing into your project.
Step 1: Register your project on Stripe Console. You will receive a key and secret publishable key required for Android SDK.
They can be safely published in places like your Stripe.js JavaScript code or an Android and iPhone app. In addition, only publishable keys can create tokens.
Step 2: Create your app
In the build.gradle file, add a library to the dependency section.
implementation ‘com.stripe:stripe-android:17.2.1’
Step 3: Start the payment configuration for your application class. Below are the publish key and secrete keys for the stripe console.
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
paymentSheet = new PaymentSheet(this, this::onpaymentResult);
Step 4: Call the first API already given from the stripe side, as shown below.
1 – https://api.stripe.com/v1/customers
2 – call this api to get customer_id you get it from key id.
Step 5: Call another API given by the stripe side below and follow these steps.
1 – https://api.stripe.com/v1/ephemeral_keys
2 – need to pass parameters .
params.put(“Authorization”,”Bearer “+secrate_key);
You can get secrate_key from stripe console.
2 – after success of this api you will get another key from id as ephemeral key
Step 6: After this success, you can now call another API given by Stripe. However, you must pass ephermal_key as the parameter.
1 – https://api.stripe.com/v1/payment_intents
2 – parameter are :-
params.put(“customer”, emphericalKey);
params.put(“amount”, cash_dis_tv.getText().toString()+”00″);
params.put(“currency”, sharedPreferenceData.getCurrency());
params.put(“automatic_payment_methods[enabled]”, “true”);
From this api you will get client_secrate key from client_secret .
Step 7: Next, you will need to open a sheet in which we must pass the clients’ created value.
paymentSheet.presentWithPaymentIntent(clientSecret, new PaymentSheet.Configuration(“DJ CONNECT”, new PaymentSheet.CustomerConfiguration( customerId,epheremalKeys)));
Step 8: You will receive a callback from Stripe if the payment has been completed, canceled, or there was an error. Please write these lines.
This method is already called in oncreate of activity.
private void onpaymentResult(PaymentSheetResult paymentSheetResult) {
if(paymentSheetResult instanceof PaymentSheetResult.Completed){
// you can call api here to save your data into database.
}else if(paymentSheetResult instanceof PaymentSheetResult.Failed){
************** // Android Stripe payment done // **************
Step 1: The first thing you need to do is register the project on the Stripe console. From here, you can access a publishable key & secret.
Key. Ensure you have a publishable/secret key to stripe iOS SDK integration.
Publishable/Secret. This key lets you identify your account with Stripe. You can safely publish them in places such as Stripe.js JaveScript code in Android or iPhone apps. With this, you can create tokens.
Step 2: App Configuration
The Stripe Terminal iOS SDK can be used with iOS 10 or higher payment gateway apps. It can also be installed using CocoaPods, Swift Package Manager, or manually integrated into the framework such as:
- CocoaPods
- Swift Package Manager
- Manual
Install the most recent CocoaPods version if you haven’t done so already.
You don’t need Podfile to create one; use the following command:
* Open Terminal
- Inside terminal :
- 1 – $ pod init
- 2 – pod ‘Stripe’
- 3 – pod install
From now on, use the .xcworkspace file to open your project in Xcode instead of the .xcodeproj file.=
Step 3: Initiate payment configuration using your application class.
Below is the publish key and secrete keys for the stripe console.
Make a few modifications to your Info.plist file within Xcode to prepare your payment gateway app for the Stripe Terminal SDK.
You can enable location services by using the key-value pair below.
Key | NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription |
Value | Location access is required in order to accept payments. |
Step 4: Initiate payment configuration using your application class.
Below is the publish key and secrete keys for stripe console.
Step 5: In appDelegate Class
* import Stripe
* Method inside — didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
// call this function :
// stripeKey = “pk_test_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx……………………”
Step 6: Now in controller Class
* import Stripe
function call to open stripe payment screen : –
extension yourController: STPAddCardViewControllerDelegate {
func goToStripePaymentGateway() {
let config = STPPaymentConfiguration.shared()
config.requiredBillingAddressFields = .full
let addCardViewController = STPAddCardViewController(configuration: config, theme: STPTheme.default())
addCardViewController.delegate = self
let navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: addCardViewController)
self.present(navigationController, animated: true, completion: nil)
func addCardViewControllerDidCancel(_ addCardViewController: STPAddCardViewController) {
dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
func addCardViewController(_ addCardViewController: STPAddCardViewController, didCreateToken token: STPToken, completion: @escaping STPErrorBlock) {
let token = “\(token.tokenId)“
print(“Stripe Token=====\(token)“)
dismiss(animated: true) {
// Now here your call you function api with entered amount
self.makePaymentRequest(stripeToken: token)
func addCardViewController(_ addCardViewController: STPAddCardViewController, didCreatePaymentMethod paymentMethod: STPPaymentMethod, completion: @escaping STPErrorBlock) {
print(“Did Create Payment Method”)
************** // ios Stripe payment done // **************
In a Nutshell!
Stripe is an ideal solution for international businesses as it allows them to accept payments from anywhere in the world with the lowest fees. This platform offers a wide range of payment options, making it an excellent choice for web stores and customers. Stripe can help you build an e-commerce site and scale your business no matter where you live. This platform is an excellent choice for payment and finance management. This platform is full of potential and will continue to offer more services for its customers.
Techugo views every challenge as an opportunity for learning and development. As the Stripe integration case illustrates, this project presented us with some challenges that provided invaluable experiences that we can apply in the future to integrate a payment system into a product. Get in touch with us to incorporate stripe into your app or website.
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